Special People =)

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Electropop Collection - China Glaze

Hi Ladies,

Another collection lauching at the moment is the Electropop Collection by China Glaze

Electropop Collection - Available Now - $3 to $7

I think these are really great colours but I not really excited by this collection.

Maybe I'm not in spring/summer spirit yet (I certainly am not, it's so cold outside!)

The colours that appeal to me the most are Dance Baby, Wicked Style and Sweet Hook.

Let me know what you girls think =)

Have a sunny day =)

Pictures from here - thanks!

Spring 2012 - Chanel

Hi Ladies,

here is another launch, this time for Chanel.

Spring 2012 - Available Now - $26

I just LOVE this collection!

I love the degradee from April to June and how it expresses how days become sunnier and everything becomes lighter =)

I love each and every colour and I think they interact wonderfully with each other.

What do you think of this? Do you love it? or does it not speak to you at all?

Have a sunny day =)

Picture from here - thanks!

Spring 2012 - Butter London

Hi Ladies,

yes it's that time of the year where nailpolish companies launch their spring collections!

Here is butter London's:

Spring/Summer 2012 - Available Now - $14

What do you ladies think of this collection?

I really like trout pout and disco biscuit - they really are amazing colours (this picture doesn't show the colours in a fair way).

Trout pout is more like a really prettty flamingo pink.

Disco biscuit is a magenta packed with amazing holographic glitter.

Are you excited with this collection? What are your favourites?

Have a sunny day =)

Pictures from here - thanks!

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Glasgow Haul

I have recently been to Glasgow, a very nice and charismatic city, with friendly people and amazing shops =)

Did you know that, besides London, Glasgow is the shopping destination in the UK?
I have just recently learned so.

By now I have been to Glasgow twice. The first time I walked around, sightseeing and observing this beautiful city. During the second visit I had less time to spend, so I dedicated it to shopping! =)
Well, not shopping all the time, mostly windowshopping and some actual shopping (yeah, money doesn't grow in trees at least where I live and lately neither do jobs...I have been job hunting and...nothing.)

I'm feeling like posting about all my trip so if you are not in the mood for travel diaries... well, come back another time, this is My little internet place ;)

First, a complaint: flights to Glasgow are so expensive! and so inconvinient! I had to suffer 2 connections, take 3 flights and lose almost 12h of my precious day to fly a distance that would take something like 4h30 tops in a direct flight!...Shame on you, all you flying companies!

My first 2 flights where Iberia. I had not yet formed an opinion about this company but these 2 flights (well, actually 4, with return) helped me in doing so. I am now convinced that Iberia is one of the worst companies to fly with. Don't get me wrong, the planes are not falling apart, but:

1. Staff is not friendly (and one flight attendant was actually rude to me after I asked for a simple information);

2. Staff will only speak to you in Spanish no matter what country you are on (in fact, their english is the most awful and difficult thing to understand: I didn't understand a single word of safety and other inflight  information, wich can be both distressing and dangerous);

3. You pay a normal price and get low-cost service (there is absolutely no complimentary food or snacks on board, if you want to eat you have to buy the food they offer in their menu at very high prices)

So, I was really happy when I finally boarded my British Airways flight in London Heathrow a few hours later.

Let me take a little while to talk about London Heathrow Airport (well, at least the terminal I was - Terminal 5).

Have you ever been to Terminal 5 in London Heathrow? It's a world! Here is a picture:

And this is just the "main room"... plus it has the most amazing shops! Yes, I'm talking about those were you actually can't buy a single thing without being unable to make rent for the next two months. But at least looking and drooling is still free of charge =)

I know, right?... If I had lots of money....

Anyway, these wouldn't stop me, not just because I'm not rich but also because I had a goal in mind: 

Going to WHSmith and buying 2 issues of GLAMOUR magazine in order to get Nails Inc. Basil Street and Piccadilly Circus!!

11£ nailpolish for 2£? 

Ooh Yeah!! =)

I have already tried them out, so a post about them is coming =)

After that I wondered around, checking the amazing

until it was boarding time.

British Airways is my favourite flying company so far. The staff is always so nice and helpful! They really make you feel welcome on board and try to make you enjoy your flight.

However, the economy must be really bad because even BA has cut on the meals, so we just get a small snack and a beverage:

The tea and biscuits were yummy! I always want to ask for seconds but get too shy to do it ^^

We had a bit of turbulence but I'm one of those people who can enjoy a flight in almost any conditions (almost...) I love flying!! =)

When I am up and above the white fluffy clouds I always feel so peaceful! I feel like I belong there =)

The arrival in Glasgow was smooth and the weather was great! Time to go to the hotel and rest. Tomorrow is another day =)

The next day in Glasgow was freezing but sunny and I gladly got up and went to the stores.

The first store I went was the amazing Superdrug

It's so sad that these just exist in the UK

I had been wanting to come here for ages!

At the time they still had their 3 for 2 promotion so I got 2 MUA palettes (Starry Night and the famous Heaven and Earth) and a beautyUK baked eyeshadow trio with delicious colours in the shade Sunrise (I'll do reviews later)

You can also see here the 2 nails inc polish bottles that came with the glamour magazines =)

I also bought some hand&nail cream and comfort eyedrops because my eyes are super dry. These 2 things were from Superdrug's own brand and I really like them. Not expensive and super effective. My favourite kind of product.

Later on that day, while heading back to the hotel, I couldn't resist to enter Superdrug again and got an MUA lipstick (shade12) 

Also visited the lovely Primark (well, one of them because there are several in Glasgow) and despite being tempted by many pretty things, only cashed out with 2 items:

- A gorgeous light pink scarf that cost me 1£ (really?! oh yes.)

- An amazing bag that I am in love with, and which you can see below (and was only 9£!!)

Isn't she beautiful? And look at the cute butterfly detail =)

I really Love it =)

I ended up visiting several other stores getting a bunch of other stuff to gift the family when going home.

I got some nice chocolates from Poundland, a store that has SO MANY THINGS, and interesting things, just for 1£ each.

Well, not everythig is amazing, for instances, I got some batteries there that turned out to not be strong enough to make my camera work... I was really disappointed and went to the store again and the lady that talked to me was kind enough to exchange them for another brand that ended up being great =) 

Then I went to Watt Brothers, which many of you can say that is a store for old people, (and yes there were old people shopping there...and young people too!) and loved it. Really?!

Yes, not in the what-a-cool-store kind of way, but in the way that it's a lovely store, where you can find a little bit of everything and reminds me of an older and interesting time.

I ended up buying some really interesting things here. 

Then I went to Pound Shop... and by now you are probably thinking: another pound store? money must be low! and guess what, it is not very high^^

But also, this was the only shop were I could find some Glasgow/Scotland souvenirs!

It really puzzled me that souvenirs weren't available anywhere!

Then I found some delicious chocolate chip cookies in TK Maxx packed in a beautiful tin to bring to my family =)

I also found some amazing ELF gift packs (but was all out of money by then).

TK Maxx has the most amazing deals =)

And then, well, a lot of window shopping! And that's it... because I just had a couple of hours.

Then coming back home... but the interesting part of trips is going, not coming back^^

I love Glasgow!^^

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

MAC for Daphne Guinness Collection for Winter 2011

Release date for Europe: January 2012

This is the collection created based on the palette of colours imagined by Daphne Guinness.

I must confess that at first sight (at least of the first photo) I thought "oh well, I don't think I'll like anything from this one" but the colour palette surprised me and I think the colours go really well toghether.

Does this collection appeal to you?

My favourites are:

Interior Life Eyeshadow Quad

  • Stratus Light pink (Matte) (Limited Edition)
  • Interior Life Mid-tone gray blue (Veluxe) (Limited Edition)
  • Bruised Sky Dark lavender gray (Satin) (Limited Edition)
  • Heather Belles Dark charcoal/carbon (Satin) (Limited Edition)

Pro Longwear Lipcreme

 Approaching Storm Deep rose (Limited Edition)

(Pictures are from the amazing temptalia)

Glitter and Ice Collection from MAC

Hi Ladies,

are you already familiar with this year holiday collection from MAC?

I must confess that I don't own anything from MAC yet.

"Why? Don't you like it?" 

No. I do like it. A lot. But it is oh-so-damn-expensive and honestly I prefer to eat and be able to make rent ;)

But do I *dream* about MAC products? Oh yeah.

Anyway, here are some photos of the Glitter and Ice collection from MAC

(Photos are from the amazing temptalia

What do you think?

I love the white packaging and the frosty feeling I get from this collection.

I think it's discret and classy, much like winter.

Some people are calling it boring. I guess that is because it has no vivid colours and doesn't make a big statement. But I don't think that was the goal with this and I really like this Frosty Splendour.

My favourites from this:

- The paint pots

  • Let’s Skate Pale pink with pearl (Limited Edition)
  • Morning Frost Shimmering champagne taupe (Limited Edition)
  • For Effect Black with pearl (Limited Edition)
- The Lipsticks
  • Whirls & Twirls Sheer pink with gold pearl (Glaze) (Limited Edition)
  • Double Spin Pale mauve pink (Cremesheen) (Limited Edition)
  • Such Flare True red (Matte) (Limited Edition)
- The beauty powder
  • Snowglobe Frosty pinky beige (Limited Edition)

Wanna tell me what you think?

Have a sunny day =)

Monday, 2 January 2012

I *wish*... cute clutch!

Hi Ladies,

Hope you had a wonderful new year begining!

I'm just going to share a little something that I have been *wishing*... 

It's from here

I just love it... I don't know why, but I really want it =)

Going on my wishlist! 

Have a sunny day =)